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Ack I've been a bad girl. Well, that's no real surprise, but I haven't posted since MotoGP last weekend. Oops, my bad. I've made a couple updates, mostly the homepage. I need more reviews! I'm dying to hear from any woman out there who has gear that she would recommend to a fellow female rider. Especially if you found it difficult to find something to fit your body type, no matter what it is. I've posted some of the requirements I'm looking for on my main page.

So let's talk gear. A new Dainese store has opened in San Francisco at the former site of Dudley Perkins/Harley Davidson on Van Ness Avenue near Market Street. I haven't made my way over there as of yet, but I imagine they have all the cool stuff that I saw in their Paris store, including longer, 3/4 length trenchcoat style jackets (with armor) for you hardcore scooterists, or for those of you looking for a more street/casual, non-motorcycle look.