
Email me before you shop online.

womens motorcycle gear used new ebay budget

Ebay and Craigslist can be a goldmine when it comes to finding a good deal on gear. I know that not everyone has the budget for full priced and/or new gear. But before you buy something online that may or may not fit right, email me.

No one will tell you what the right fit/size/brand is for your body type, riding style, needs and/or budget.

If you need help deciding which size to get, which brand is best for you, which boots are going to fit your narrow feet, which pants are going to have enough space in the hips, or which jacket will fit you, email me. I'll do my best to help you make the right decision and find the best deal.


Funny convo with a customer today.

Me and my SV on my first track day back in 2011, sans mirrors and headlights.

Me and my SV on my first track day back in 2011, sans mirrors and headlights.

A funny convo I had at Scuderia West when someone saw me with my bike. 

Him: What do you ride? 

Me: an SV650s

Him: Oh cool, that was my first bike

Me: Yeah, it's my 3rd

Him: It was a good little bike

Me: I love it, it's taught me so much and is the best bike I've had so far. I've learned body positioning on it. 

Him: What's that? 

Me: Guess you still need to figure that out!

Women Ride Motorcycles in Colombia

Just got a really nice email from a woman in Colombia who found my blog from her boyfriend who met me awhile back at one of the motorcycle shows.

"Hola soy colombiana y he seguido tu blog. Porque mi novio te conocio el El año pasado en el Daytonna Bike week me trajo unos volantes de tu blog y me encanto. Te felicito el trabajo que haces en publicar todo sobre las prendas para mujeres motocilcistas es muy bueno !!!!espero ir pronto a USA al Daytonna bike week y compartir contigo. Cuidate de nuevo felicitaciones" -Diana B.

¡Hola Colombianas!